7th Life Science Pitch Day

06.10.2022 from 14:00 - 22:00

In cooperation with Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim and MEDICE, High-Tech Gründerfonds and the IZB are organizing the 7th LIFE SCIENCE PITCH DAY!

Take your opportunity and present your technology in front of an exclusive audience of investors and CVCs!

The Life Science Pitch Day is finally back.

Once again, we would like to welcome you to our yearly event which will take place on the 6th October, 2022 in Munich.You will get the opportunity to listen to interesting keynotes from relevant industry players, meet an exclusive audience of investors and corporate VCs and, most importantly, experience exciting, groundbreaking pitches from life science startups!

You are a life science start-up and would like to present your company to leading investors and corporate decision-makers?
Take the opportunity and present your technology in front of an exclusive audience of investors, corporate VCs and industry experts!

Apply until 16th September 2022 – Register here with your company data and upload your non-confidential pitch deck.

The event is free of charge and the event language will be English.We look forward to your pitch deck and participation!

More information and registration


Datum: 06.10.2022
Dauer: from 14:00 - 22:00


Innovation and Start-up Center Biotechnology (IZB)
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Planegg, Deutschland


Dr. Laura Pedroza

Investment Managerin

Dr. Frank Hensel

Principal / Prokurist

Dr. Caroline Fichtner

Principal / Prokuristin

Dr. Martin Pfister

Principal / Prokurist