
30. March 2010

Successful start of GrandCentrix GmbH – Investment in next generation of “Smartphone Analytics”

GrandCentrix attracts new investors with exciting clients, technical finesse and a managerial team with an extraordinary amount of experience. High-Tech Gründerfonds adopts a leading role on board the Cologne start-up and thereby invests in the strongly expanding “Smartphone Analytics“ technology. Smartphones and mobile computers have been the talk of the town since the Apple iPhone at the latest. These all-round multimedia talents are fascinating an ever-increasing number of users and
25. March 2010

RapidTainment AG and High-Tech Gründerfonds invest in sevenload founders‘ Social Web Game

UP Web Game GmbH, a United Prototype project, is happy to welcome Swiss RapidTainment AG and German High-Tech Gründerfonds as new investors and shareholders. The transaction was made public today at the company’s housewarming party in Cologne, which was attended by several hundred people from politics, media and business. Under the working title “Social Web Game” the company is currently developing a new kind of online game, which combines several already existing concepts and is targe
24. March 2010

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in spin-off from Freie Universität Berlin and the Charité university hospital

Humedics markets an innovative method for instantaneous measurement of liver function at the patient’s bedside.  Known as the LiMAx Test, which was developed at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin by Dr Martin Stockmann and refined into a measurement system together with Prof. Karsten Heyne of Freie Universität Berlin, is now able for the first time to precisely measure liver function. High-Tech Gründerfonds has invested about EUR 500,000 in the newly formed Humedics company for it t
23. March 2010

About 3 million euros in fresh capital – more and more investors are banking on the success of humangrid

The success of humangrid GmbH has persuaded both existing and new investors. The investors SeedCapital Dortmund, Prof. Dr. Conen, High-Tech Gründerfonds as well as the ERP start-up fund of the KfW bank group provided the innovative business with one million euros as recently as mid 2009. The shareholders have now, together with new private investors, Klaus Wecken and his children Ina and Ferry Wecken, provided the company with a further three million euros in capital. The success story of h
18. March 2010

Venture capital for innovative, high-end IT security solutions

High-Tech Gründerfonds and private investors acquire stake in SSP Europe GmbH, the vendor of IT security solutions. By either partially or completely out-tasking their IT security to SSP Europe, companies receive a maximum level of IT security. The management team with experience in the IT security market already enjoys a high degree of attention on the market with its unique software-as-a-service business model. Thomas Haberl, Head of Sales/Marketing at SSP Europe, is pleased about the posi
15. March 2010

LED technology expert from Jena/Germany gains new investor

The Finnish Venture Capital Company, VNT Management Oy invests around two million EUR in the LED Driver Expert dilitronics GmbH - the young technology company received 2008 the initial funding from the High-Tech Gründerfonds. The second financing round made by the VNT Power Fund II will enable the extension of dilitronics’ ASIC product portfolio and support the international market. The company based in Jena (Germany) has developed technology for the energy efficient and intelligent contr
3. March 2010

Gaming fun with success guaranteed: online games provider Travian Games and northworks join forces

High-Tech Gründerfonds, DuMont Venture and bAV Consult are selling their stakes in northworks Software GmbH, thereby securing significant returns for their investors.  Travian Games GmbH has acquired the equity shares held by investors in northworks Software GmbH. Hamburg-based online games provider northworks, in which High-Tech Gründerfonds acquired a stake in 2007, develops and markets one of the world’s best and most successful football and basketball manager games; its customers n
21. December 2009

New Portfolio Company for Leonardo Venture

Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA is taking a share in GROHNO-Guss GmbH. It is already the second round of financing for GROHNO Guss. In addition to Leonardo Venture the company located in Düren also found two new investors: KfW and a business angel, the entrepreneur Matthias Popp who also became the new CEO on November 1st, 2009. Seedinvestor High-Tech Gründerfonds approached Leonardo Venture which decided to become the new lead investor. Investment manager Andreas Quauke welcomes the joi
3. December 2009

CAVI – the revolution in online commerce

A young team of entrepreneurs from Hamburg is using inVideo technology to make online shopping and internet advertising a reality. The Munich-based investor, Kalmund Capital, has now secured long-term financing. Imagine that you are watching a film on the internet – a new video clip of Madonna, for example. If you’re a woman, you might perhaps like the megastar’s jeans or her cool top. You would like to wear them yourself. But instead of spending a lot of time on Google & Co, you si
1. December 2009

High-Tech Gründerfonds and MAZ level one invest in MobileBits GmbH

MobileBits GmbH is a German publisher and developer of games for all platforms with an AppStore. Following the iPhones example, these kinds of AppStores also emerge on other major platforms such as Google Android, Windows Mobile, Nokia Ovi or even Xbox360 Arcade. That is why MobileBits develops a multiplatform-engine called „Delta Engine“, which allows developing games for all AppStore platforms at once completely under Windows and by using the popular Microsoft .NET framework. This way game
26. November 2009

Heliatek receives US$ 27 million to continue development of organic solar cells

Heliatek GmbH, a pioneer in the field of organic solar cells, is receiving US$ 27 million (€ 18 million) in a second round of financing under the lead of the pan-European venture capital firm Wellington Partners. Also participating in this round are the industrial investor Bosch and the corporate venture capital investors RWE Innogy Ventures and BASF Venture Capital, the High-Tech-Gründerfonds, eCAPITAL entrepreneurial Partners AG, the Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen Start-up GmbH & Co.
25. November 2009

Hematris – Specialist in blood clotting – attracts new investors

Aurelia Private Equity and KfW, the bank for medium-sized companies, are investing 2.0 million EUR in Hematris Wound Care. An investment for getting Hematrix® onto the market. Hematris Wound Care GmbH has developed a unique wound patch, the “active“ patch Hematrix®. This patch stops the most severe, even arterial injury-related bleeding and external bleeding caused by surgical intervention in just a few minutes. The biodegradable patch is coated with blood-clotting components. Hematr
16. November 2009

Fast scan modules for 3D imaging and metrology manufactured in Optical Valley – Jena, High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in Thuringian optics company confovis GmbH

Confovis GmbH, based in Jena, has developed a novel technique for fast and efficient 3D optical profiling. The confovis scan modules, for the first time, do not require moving mechanical parts and achieve a unique combination of high speed, compact size and robustness. „Our new technology for 3D-measurement and imaging is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as process control, quality inspection as well as biomedical and pharmaceutical research“, explains Dr. Michael Schwertner,
2. November 2009

enexion GmbH – a revolution in industrial energy procurement. High-Tech Gründerfonds invests!

enexion GmbH supports industry in strategic energy procurement (power, gas, carbon) in the liberalized European markets as a full service provider. “With enexion we are able to shape our energy procurement in a more flexible way” says Harald Dewinklo, general procurement manager of Otto Fuchs KG, one of enexion’s clients. “Beyond that, enexion identifies potential savings with its strategic approach and consideration of all relevant energy cost drivers. This has a positive effect on our
27. October 2009

High-Tech Gründerfonds and BBAF Business Angels Fondsgesellschaft mbH invest in autoaid GmbH

autoaid GmbH, specialists in web-based car diagnostics and operator of the car service platform, has attracted High-Tech Gründerfonds and BBAF Business Angels Fondsgesellschaft mbH as investors. autoaid is developing web-based car diagnostic system for professional use in car garages. Use of the software will make it possible to dispense with the proprietary diagnostic testers in common use today. The software solution is based on client-server technology and is connected to the veh
26. October 2009

YOOCHOOSE receives seed-financing from High-Tech Gründerfonds and T-Venture

YOOCHOOSE GmbH located in Cologne (Germany), a spin-off from Deutsche Telekom Laboratories receives seed-financing capital from High-Tech Gründerfonds and the Connected Life and Work Fund which is managed by T-Venture. The company offers its customers a high performance recommender that enables them to significantly increase their revenues from personalized recommendations. YOOCHOOSE participates through its transaction-based licensing model from the financial value add that it creates for the