Demo Day – FS Accelerator Summer ’23

04.09.2023 6:30 pm - 11 pm

The Frankfurt School Accelerator Demo Day is a showcase of the second generation of startups produced under the supervision and guidance of the FS Entrepreneurship Centre. HTGF Investment Manager Max Bergmann will represent High-Tech Gründerfonds as a member of the jury.

These carefully handpicked startups are intensely trained by mentors and coaches from across the world, for 4 weeks on all business themes to refine their ideas and make them investment-ready.

Everyone is welcome to join us on-site to network and connect!

  • 6 Start-ups
  • Investors and Business Angels in the audience
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Networking
The Agenda:

18:30 – 19:00      Doors Open

19:00 – 19:10      Welcome Speech by President Prof. Nils Stieglitz

19:10 – 19:15      Opening Remarks by Ram Shoham

19:15 – 19:35      Keynote speech by Franziska Reh

19:35 – 20:25      Startup Pitches

20:25 – 23:00      Startup Expo, Food, Drinks & Networking

More information and registration here.


Date: 04.09.2023
Duration: 6:30 pm - 11 pm


Frankfurt School Audimax
Adickesallee 32-34
Frankfurt am Main, Hesse 60322 Germany


Max Bergmann

Investment Manager