This is how we did it – Episode 4 – with Celine
Göhlich, Co-Founder & Managing Director everyone energy

In the fourth episode of our “This is how we did it” series, Céline Göhlich, Co-Founder and Managing Director of everyone energy, talks about how much the conditions for her company have changed because of the energy crisis and how she and her co-founders have responded. everyone energy is accelerating the expansion of renewable technologies in buildings with consulting software that makes the energy transition easier for everyone – consumers, companies and solution providers.

What opportunities has the crisis opened for you as a young company?
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the resulting energy crisis have profoundly changed our market environment. Suddenly, our primary concern was no longer to generate new leads, but to qualify the large number of project enquiries in a targeted manner. Our energy transition consulting software hit the nerve of the times. By quickly adapting our business model, we were able to enter the German market quickly. Politically and socially, the energy transition has moved further into focus because of the crisis, which has led to significant growth in our market and made our start-up more attractive to investors.

Céline Göhlich (Image: everyone energy)

What was your biggest learning from this time?
The most important realisation for us was how crucial it is to react quickly to a changing market environment – and that you must be prepared to risk a pivot if necessary. This includes regularly scrutinising your own value creation logic and business model. The great art lies in recognising exactly what is indispensable and what you can do without in times of crisis – in other words: “Kill your darlings!”

What perhaps unexpected developments or challenges did you experience in the initial phase, and how did you react to them as a team?
As a start-up that was founded in the dynamic environment of the energy transition and during the coronavirus pandemic, we had to be characterised by flexibility in our working methods and company structure right from the start. Particularly in the initial phase, we attached great importance to keeping our costs as low as possible. Wherever possible, we used external support, funding programmes and our network to gain valuable knowledge and experience.

What should founders pay particular attention to when setting up a start-up now?
As a founder, you are constantly confronted with new challenges – especially in times like these. It is crucial to see these challenges as solvable problems. This requires a strong growth mindset, but even more important is a committed team and a genuine enthusiasm for the cause.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Building a successful start-up is a marathon – it requires perseverance. It is important to keep an eye on the added social value and positive impact. This is the only way to sustainably attract investors along the way. But at the end of the day, it’s all about believing in your own vision and not being discouraged by setbacks. Every crisis also harbours opportunities, and those who are prepared to remain flexible and learn can develop great things from these opportunities.
So: stay curious, keep your eyes open and, above all, have fun changing the world!

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