About trans.duodenal.concepts

The Trans-Duodenal Barrier developed by TDC is a patented endoscopic transduodenal bypass implant for combined diabetes/obesity therapy that atraumatically prevents nutrient absorption in the duodenum and delays gastric emptying.

The present prototype has successfully completed initial animal studies (ZIM-funded). Following successful CE certification, commercialization as a class IIb product is expected to start in 2027.

The Trans-Duodenal Barrier is a globally unique product for the pronounced growth market of obesity, DMT2 and NASH (approx. 800 million patients worldwide) and already has a sales potential in the billions at 0.1% penetration.

The uniqueness of the Trans-Duodenal Barrier is based in particular on the patented method of fixation and therefore also allows much broader use than previous methods for combining restrictive and malabsorptive principles of action.

Die Einzigartigkeit der Trans-Duodenal Barrier fußt insbesondere auf der patentierten Art der Fixierung und erlaubt daher auch wesentlich breitere Verwendung als bisherige Verfahren zur Kombination restriktiver und malabsorptiver Wirkprinzipien

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Tannhäuserring 93
68199 Mannheim

In portfolio

20. Dec 2022

Dr. Caroline Fichtner

Principal / Authorized Signatory