
19. October 2010

Investment in enterprise sustainability management – High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in WeSustain GmbH

WeSustain GmbH, a new business started by former SAP executives, develops and sells software for enterprise sustainability management. The capital is being committed to support development of the first software release and market launch of the product. Achieving sustainability and communicating this is increasingly becoming a strategic competitive factor for companies in all sectors. How companies are valued on the capital markets and how they are perceived in their business market is increas
18. October 2010

Capital for innovative drive technology

Böhner-EH receives start-up finance: The Böhner-EH GmbH company based in Franconia, southern Germany combines the best of both worlds in industrial drive engineering: it has developed an electric-hydrostatic drive (EHD) that perfectly combines the benefits of electric and hydraulic systems. Finance provided jointly by High-Tech-Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital will enable this new business to forge ahead with its product development in a targeted way and to enter into cooperative arrangements
15. October 2010

Capital for laser-based photoacoustics

High-Tech Gründerfonds and MAZ level one investing about EUR 550k in PAS-Analytik GmbH. The aim with this investment is to further develop the technology of laser-based photoacoustics and to push entry into the market for industrial and medical gas analysis. PAS-Analytik GmbH was established in 2009 as an innovative, high-tech business spin off from Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. The enterprise develops, produces and distributes spectroscopic gas sensors for industrial and medical appli
14. October 2010

New Games Publisher Formed By Industry Veterans

Neonga AG secures two million Euros in Series A funding: The successful first round of financing of the new online game publisher Neonga begins a new era in the online games market. Neonga will launch its first titles in downloadable, browser-based, Facebook and mobile games at the start of 2011. A consortium of private and strategic investors, including the High-Tech Gründerfonds [a German venture capital company investing in high-tech companies at seed stage] and the VC Fonds Kreativwirtscha
12. October 2010

Scopis GmbH receives start-up financing from High-Tech Gründerfonds

Laser-guided endoscopic 3D measuring intended to make surgical intervention safer and to optimise costs. Scopis GmbH, a spin-off from the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, has successfully concluded a start-up finance round with High-Tech Gründerfonds. At the beginning there was the idea to optimise the work processes of surgeons: Thanks to the innovation of Scopis GmbH, established in 2010, clinical complications during operations can now be reduced while
8. October 2010

Vieh24 – Germany’s first Online Livestock Trading Exchange received seed funding from High-Tech Gründerfonds

The young technology venture Nutzvieh24 Ltd. from Miesbach, Germany, developed Germany’s first specialised Internet-based livestock trading exchange for professionals in the agricultural sector ( High levels of cattle-type sensitive parameterisation, a cooperative market entry with various strategic alliance partners, as well as integrated services are characteristic features of the exchange. High-Tech Gründerfonds invests as seed investor in Nutzvieh24 Ltd. The Online Cattl
4. October 2010

Cloud Startup Zimory Adds CEO and 4 Million Euro in Funding

Zimory announced today it has secured 4 Million Euro in funding and added a new CEO to deliver secure, scalable, accessible, end-to-end global solutions for private, public and database cloud. The funding round was led by Creathor Venture, High-Tech Gruenderfonds and VC Fonds Technologie Berlin, managed by IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft, T-Venture and KFW, to support the growth path the company is taking.  Ruediger Baumann has been appointed as the new CEO of Zimory to drive sustainable, long
30. September 2010

Fresh capital for further development of label-free analytic devices

Biametrics GmbH, a spin-off from the University of Tübingen, is to obtain investment capital totalling EUR 600,000, which High-Tech Gründerfonds and Seedfonds Baden-Württemberg will jointly provide. The Company, established in 2007, develops analytic devices for the pharmaceuticals and life science sector. They operate label-free and at very low detection limits. They are also fast, robust and economical. The funding will enable this young business to engage in cooperation with international
29. September 2010

New benchmarks in the semiconductor industry

Capital for contactless wafer-handling technology: High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital are investing in SemiLev GmbH in Großwallstadt, Germany. The investors are financing the start of production and acquisition of customers for evaluation of a newly developed product, and preparing for SemiLev's market entry as a supplier of equipment to the semiconductor industry. SemiLev GmbH, a spin-off from Mecatronix GmbH, Darmstadt, develops and markets Equipment Frontend Modules (EFEMs) and s
20. September 2010

DN Capital and High-Tech Gründerfonds invest into

DN Capital and High-Tech Gründerfonds today announced their investment in, a baby care specialty website which will launch in September 2010. In addition to the two lead investors, the financing round was complemented by business angels and members of the management team. Users will be able to buy diapering products as well as baby food and formula, bath and skin care products and a large product range around feeding and nursing. The site will also offer many products needed durin
17. September 2010

UroTec GmbH gains strategic partner – Profitable exit for High-Tech Gründerfonds and Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen

APOGEPHA Arzneimittel GmbH has, as strategic investor, purchased a majority stake in UroTec GmbH, acquiring the shares from the previous shareholders. The rich-in-tradition, Saxony-based APOGEPHA pharmaceuticals company is an established producer of urology drugs and the ideal partner for the innovative UroTec company. UroTec is a biotechnology company established in 2005, which produces tissue replacement from the patient’s own cells to reconstruct diseased urinary organs. Sören Liebig
15. September 2010

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in ConWeaver

Provider of semantic search engine with excellent positioning. As easy as Google, but far more structured: ConWeaver’s semantic search function intelligently links up company-wide business data with a knowledge network. Company-relevant information can thus be found rapidly and with pin-point accuracy. High-Tech Gründerfonds is investing for further growth at ConWeaver GmbH. Companies that possess a specific, proprietary know-how and are able to use it in a focused manner enjoy a signif
5. August 2010

C2CALL raises 2 Million Dollar in series A funding

C2Call has raised 2 million dollar in Series A funding from High-Tech Gründerfonds, Draper Investment Company and Mr. Klaus Wecken, co-founder of KHK Software AG. C2Call will use the funds for expansion into international markets for its FriendCaller service, the first and only free browser-based Internet phone solution that can turn emails, social networks and any Internet-ready device, such as the iPod Touch or iPad, into a phone. FriendCaller lets anyone make a call by clicking a unique
4. August 2010

Investors banking on intelligent software for merchandise management

High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital are investing more than half a million euros in the forward-looking technology of Regensburg-based TM3 Software GmbH. TM3 has developed an innovative merchandise management system for optimum control of warehouse logistics in real time. In so doing, TM3 has attainted a level of performance and functionally that was previously not available to small or medium-sized enterprises and which now offers them tremendous benefits and potential for savings. Wh
14. July 2010

Capital for fluorescent mini-antibodies – new benchmarks in cell research

High-Tech Gründerfonds and Bayern Kapital are investing about EUR 400k in Chromotek GmbH. The investment is intended to fund research and development work aimed at ensuring successful market entry for chromobody technology in the field of living cell analysis. Chromotek GmbH, an enterprise spun off from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, develops and distributes chromobody technology-based research reagents that can be used in multiple ways and are reliable; namely nanotraps and chr
13. July 2010

3.5 million euros capital for humangrid in 2010

The growth in investors and capital for humangrid GmbH is unabated. New partners have joined this successful internet business for what is the second time already in 2010. The new investor Finance Partners CFP & Founders Investments alone has provided the Company with a further capital injection of EUR 0.5 million. As recently as March 2010, private investors Klaus Wecken as well as his children Ina and Ferry Wecken joined the Company as shareholders. Together with the existing shareholde