
6. July 2010

evocatal GmbH Closes New Financing Round

evocatal GmbH, based in the Life Science Center Düsseldorf, has closed € 2 million in growth financing. Thus the industrial biotech company puts itself in a position to continue successfully started projects rigorously to market readiness. The current financing round is chaired by new investor Roland Oetker, who, together with existing investors High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Sirius Seedfonds Düsseldorf (SSFD) and business angel Prof. Riesner, provides € 2 million in growth capital. Fo
21. June 2010

High tech for eye patients: start-up team develops a new kind of diagnosis tool for glaucoma therapy

Recently established Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH, based in Hanover, has come up with a convincing, innovative piece of medical technology and will be launching a system for monitoring the chronic eye disease glaucoma. High-Tech Gründerfonds, hannover innovation fonds (hif), a Munich ophthalmologist as private investor as well as the two founders have invested about EUR 700,000 in this new technology business. Implandata Ophthalmic Products GmbH (IOP) has developed a new kind of syste
8. June 2010

Weitere Ölpest verhindern: High-Tech aus Deutschland kann Tiefsee-Pipelines sichern

Gründeridee heute weltweit führend – Leuchtturm-Förderung des High-Tech Gründerfonds Gespräch mit Daniel Esser, Geschäftsführer der CONTROS Systems & Solutions GmbH im Rahmen des Family Day am 9. Juni in Bonn Die aktuelle Öl-Katastrophe im Golf von Mexico zeigt das Gefahrenpotential, das die Förderung und der Transport des „schwarzen Goldes“ mit sich bringen können.  Dabei gibt es Monitoringtechniken, die solche Katastrophen vermeiden können. Seit der Gründung im Ja
1. June 2010

Start-up capital for a new kind of technology to manufacture printed circuit boards

Limata GmbH has developed an innovative process based on UV-LED technology for exposing printed circuit boards. The Munich start-up team has secured as many as four investors to provide start-up finance for the company and is launching an innovative industrial precision machine for UV lithography of circuit printed boards. High-Tech Gründerfonds, BayernKapital, Falk-Strascheg Holding and business angel have invested about EUR 750k in newly established Limata GmbH. The investment is intended
20. May 2010

deal united completes funding round and driving internationalisation forward

deal united completed its most recent funding round with extraordinary success. Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments and Venture Incubator are investing a mid-seven digit amount in the Munich-based e-commerce platform. deal united supports providers of software, online games and social networks as well as shop operators in optimising their monetisation. deal united is already Europe’s leading online marketing platform for monetising digital and virtual goods and is represented in numerous Eur
19. May 2010

Investment in virtual power plant

Together with Neuhaus Partners and Business Angels, High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in Next Kraftwerke GmbH. This new, Cologne-based technology business specialises in the marketing of microgeneration plant on the electrical power market. In particular, Next integrates emergency power generators, cogeneration units and biogas plants by means of intelligent networking on what is known as the minute reserve market. In conjunction with partners experienced in this market, the Company covers the
17. May 2010

LOPHIUS closed 2nd financing round and appoints Dr. Michael Lutz as new CEO

Lophius Biosciences announced today that the company has successfully closed a 2nd round financing with a value of around 1,6 m EUR. The investment of S-Refit, the new lead investor, is strongly supplemented by follow up investments from existing investors High-Tech Gruenderfonds and Bayernkapital. The financing will be used to boost the development of the company with a strong focus on commercialization of existing diagnostic products and the generation of new tests based on the company´s prop
7. May 2010

Worldwide First – Professional Real Estate Software “In the Clouds”

The developer of the leading Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform for real estate sales, Propertybase GmbH, has successfully closed their first financing package. Based on their early success and profitable track record, Propertybase has secured investments from Bayern Kapital and Neuhaus Partners, while start-up investor High-Tech Gründerfonds will support the company as lead investor. Propertybase is the first company to develop a complete front-and-back-office sales, marketing, and servi
4. May 2010

Around USD 4 m for Nanda Technologies

Capital-E, a Belgium-based venture capital company focussing on semiconductor investments, and KfW with its ERP Start-up Fund, one of Germany’s largest venture capital funds, are investing about USD 4 m in Nanda Technologies GmbH alongside the existing shareholders. Nanda was founded in 2006 and has successfully developed a new system for high-throughput wafer inspection used in semiconductor manufacturing. Based on a proprietary optical design combined with innovative image processing soft
3. May 2010

FreiGeist Web & StartUp Conference in Cologne

FreiGeist award to be issued for the first time - On 6 May 2010, High-Tech Gründerfonds, Thierhoff Consulting and Censet GmbH are hosting the first FreiGeist Conference at Clublounge Nord of Cologne’s RheinEnergieStadion football stadium. Founders, web entrepreneurs, business angels, students, consultants and all who are interested in start-ups, the internet and new media are invited to the Dome capital of Cologne. The focus of the one-day conference is a framework programme which will fee
19. April 2010

Broadening collaboration between start-ups and industry

Growth through innovation: How government and industry are to spur technology projects in Germany is a subject that about 200 high-calibre guests will discuss at High-Tech Gründerfonds’ first technology conference on 27 April in Bonn. The objective of this High-Tech Partnering Conference is to ease and facilitate portfolio companies' access to potential joint venture partners.  A select 50 high-tech businesses will meet with more than 100 representatives of the most significant innovation
15. April 2010

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests together with KI Kapital GmbH in newly established SAW Instruments GmbH

SAW Instruments has an innovative analysis technology for the life science markets. The company sells biosensors for research at the highest level. Such systems have already been sold to leading research facilities in Germany and Switzerland, and are being used there with great success. SAW Instruments GmbH goes back to a research project at the center of advanced european studies and research (caesar). SAW Instruments GmbH’s technological basis is the successful combination of Surface Acoust
7. April 2010

Cologne-based start-up enterprise unveils its innovative technology for the first re-closable lid, marking the 75th anniversary of the drinks can

A new start-up business in Cologne has developed a technology for the drinks can to go, rendering it possible to make small and handy beverage packaging tightly re-closable with what is described as a “CanCap” lid. The start-up finance jointly concluded at the end of 2009 with High-Tech-Gründerfonds and Rheinland Venture Capital provided the necessary foundation to drive the project forward from the idea through to market launch. The Cologne-based cliqloc company is taking big strides fo
31. March 2010

With seed finance to a medical product ready for the market: Delphi Optics GmbH starts marketing its burns diagnosis system

With the seed investment totalling EUR 750,000, which the Lübeck-based medical technology business obtained from High-Tech Gründerfonds, KSV GmbH and Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Schleswig Holstein GmbH (MBG), Delphi Optics has developed its first product to readiness for the market.   The CS-Cam.burn optical system for diagnosing the depth of burns matured from a lab prototype to a pre-production model during the seed phase. Six well-known hospitals (Unfallklinikum Marzahn i
31. March 2010

High-Tech Gründerfonds invests in PEPperPRINT’s new biochip platform

PEPperPRINT, a spin-off of the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, is financed by High-Tech Gründerfonds with a start-up investment of 500,000 Euro. Based on an award-winning and proprietary high resolution laser printing process, PEPperPRINT provides customized peptide microarrays in a truly cost-effective manner for the first time. Combined with speed and flexibility, the resulting molecular diversity is unrivalled: For the first time, proteome research is provided with a highly effi
31. March 2010

Successful follow-on finance for amedo Smart Tracking Solutions GmbH

amedo Smart Tracking Solutions GmbH concludes the second round of finance led by EnjoyVenture and strengthens its management team. Amedo Smart Tracking Solutions GmbH, established in mid-2008, has received further follow-on finance from ELS Fonds, managed by EnjoyVenture Management GmbH, High-Tech Gründerfonds, the KfW banking group and new strategic investors. With Wolfgang Lubert, EnjoyVenture Management GmbH will be the lead investor in this round. Dr. Marc Böhme will join the management te